Gilbert Wondracek

I am currently working in the field of IT security and privacy as a freelance consultant.

Before, I was working as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Vienna University of Technology's Seclab, a cooperation of the Vienna University of Technology, the University of California, Santa Barbara, Institut Eurecom, and Ruhr-Uni-Bochum.
Please find some more information about me in the sections below, or contact me directly.

[+] Contact

E-mail: (please replace "AT" with "@")

[+] Social Network Profiles

International Secure Systems Lab

[+] Publications / Press Coverage

Some of my projects got a lot of press coverage. A (very non-complete) collection of corresponding links can be found below (roughly in chronological order):

General Topics

26.8.2011 TV Interview "Europe vs. Facebook", Servus Journal, Servus TV

23.8.2011 Der Standard - Forschung Spezial, Article

11.8.2011 Radio Interview "Anonymous vs. Facebook", Ö3-Wecker

8.8.2011 bits4free Talk "What the Hack" - Crashkurs über die Techniken der Hacker und wie schützt man sich richtig

30.3.2011 q/Talk "Zeigt her Eure Daten" Link + Audio

12.3.2011 The Economist - Technology Quarterly Q1 2011, page 8, "Anonymous no more" Link

2.11.2010 FM4 Connected "IT: Digitale Signaturen - Unterschrift per Mausklick" Link

Study on the Online Adult Industry

Related academic publication: Is the Internet for Porn? An Insight Into the Online Adult Industry (PDF)
Presented at The Ninth Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS). Harvard, USA, June 2010.

De-Anonymization of Social Networks

Related academic publication: A Practical Attack to De-Anonymize Social Network Users (PDF)
Presented at Symposium on Security and Privacy. Oakland, USA, May 2010.
Underground Economy